Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Pregnancy Stage- The Three Stages Of Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a joyous and rewarding experience. We take you through the different stages of pregnancy, trimester by trimester.

The Three Stages Of Pregnancy- Understanding Pregnancy Stage By Stage

The first trimester is the start of pregnancy. You feel nauseas, have mood swings, and tire easily. You may also be constipated and suffer frequent urination and have heightened emotional sensitivity.

In the second trimester, you start showing and are also able to feel the baby’s movements inside you. The nausea and the fatigue go away and you have a bloom on your face and a glowing skin. You must maintain personal hygiene and take a supplement of calcium, to help the baby’s skeletal system grow.

In the third stage of pregnancy, you feel tired, as your baby grows to its full size. Do not stand for too long and do not lift heavy objects. You should now prepare yourself for labor. The three stages of labor are dilation of the cervix, delivery of the baby, and delivery of the placenta.

When you are on this journey to bring a newborn into the world, you have to look after your health. You must eat right and visit the doctor regularly. This will ensure a safe pregnancy.

Eat Right

You must eat supplements of folic acid with your meals. You must eat calcium and other vitamin supplements. You must take adequate rest and do some form of mild exercises, like walking or swimming. Do not smoke, do drugs, or drink alcohol. They can harm your baby.

Check Ups By Your Doctor

You must go for regular check ups to your doctor. Talk to him and ask him questions. As the final stage of pregnancy nears, you will want to get doubts cleared on whether to have a caesarian section or vaginal delivery. Follow your doctor’s advice.

Those were the stages of pregnancy. Soon your baby will be born and you will be able to hold in your arms, a cherubic little baby boy or girl. We wish you a happy and safe pregnancy.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Pregnancy Stages - A Beautiful Picture

Picture of Stage of Pregnancy- Memories of a Life Time

Don’t we need a picture of every stage of pregnancy?

The birth of a baby is nothing short of a miracle. Parents plan and wish for a baby for months together and when the actual moment arrives, it is quite amazing. The baby is born with tiny little hands, toes, and fingernails, a soft little head and a small little body. Every body cannot help but falling in love with this little bundle of joy. The parents are ecstatic with this wonderful creation.

A Journal

How do they show their happiness? A mother may decide to keep a pregnancy journal, so that she can write down all her thoughts during the various stages of pregnancy and soon after the baby is born. She may right down her feelings and her fears, every moment of them in this record. She can put into the journal photographs of her pregnancy, photographs that etch pictures of her at various stages of pregnancy, photographs that perhaps her partner has taken of her at tender moments or photographs taken by some close family relative or friend.


These photographs can be put either into a journal or into a family album: mom in one of her lousy moods, all nauseas and fatigued during the first trimester of pregnancy. Mom dressed in maternity clothes propped by cushions as she relaxes a bit. Alternatively, Mom in full bloom with glowing skin and looking beautiful as ever, as the pregnancy hormones take their effect. On the other hand, even mom during the final stages of pregnancy, when it is difficult to believe, how truly big her belly has grown.


These are the photographs of a lifetime and when the children and the grandchildren grow up, they will serve as some wonderful memories. You might even want to ask your doctor for some ultrasound pictures of different stages of pregnancy, so you can file them away neatly in your journal too. So here is wishing you many treasured memories with lots of pictures at different stages of pregnancy and lots of joy and happiness when your little baby is born.

Pregnancy Stages - About First Trimester

What You Should Know About the First Trimester of Pregnancy

Many changes occur during pregnancy, but the first trimester of pregnancy is perhaps the most difficult for a mother, especially for a first time mother. Your body goes through changes and you must look after yourself well. Support of your partner during these different stages of pregnancy is crucial to your well-being.

Changes in Your Body

During the first stage of pregnancy, your body grows to accommodate the baby within you. Certain changes occur, you start feeling nauseas, have mood swings, and your breasts may feel sore and tender. Remember these discomforts are all signs that your pregnancy has taken off smoothly.

Doctor’s Visits are Necessary

If the symptoms of pregnancy are too much to bear, you must visit a doctor. In fact, a doctor’s check up is necessary in this stage of pregnancy and you must make sure to keep every appointment. The doctor will probably check your past medical history; if you have had any past pregnancies or if you had in operations in the past. He will also want to know your family medical history. He will do some regular tests on you to make sure the baby inside you is doing fine.

Diet and Nutrition

It is important during this stage of pregnancy development to eat a healthy diet, though it is not true that you must eat for two. Small but healthy meals will do fine. You must have supplements of folic acid to ensure your baby does not develop any birth defects; you must also take calcium and multi vitamins. Eat freshly cooked green leafy vegetables, legumes, and fruits. Avoid fatty or oily food, because it takes longer to digest and sits in the stomach longer. This can make you feel nauseas. In addition, do some mild forms of exercise, take a lot of rest and relaxation, and do some deep breathing exercises.

That was some information about the first trimester of pregnancy. Reading good books, magazines, and getting to know more about your condition and the health and safety of your baby would be a good thing to do, in ensuring a happy and healthy pregnancy.

Pregnancy Stages - First Trimester Diet

A Healthy First Trimester Diet

You should eat a special diet in the first trimester of pregnancy. You have to ensure that you have a healthy intake of foods. You will feel nauseas and suffer from morning sickness during this stage of pregnancy. It may affect the way you eat. It is best to avoid fried fatty foods at this time, because they take longer to digest and sit in the stomach longer than other foods.

Small Frequent Meals

Meals should be small and light, and should be taken on frequent intervals. You should avoid being on empty stomach, because the stomach makes more acids during pregnancy and the acids need food to work against or you will feel uneasy. Foods to eat during pregnancy are fruits and vegetables, especially freshly cooked green leafy vegetables. These are a source of iron, calcium other nutrients. You must eat pulses, grains, and legumes. Avoid canned foods.

At times, you will feel like throwing up. If the situation gets too bad and you cannot keep any thing down, solid foods or liquids, you must see a doctor immediately.

Drink Plenty of Water

You must also drink plenty of water. Water flushes out the toxins from the mother’s body. Juices are also good; you can drink citrus fruit juices like orange juice for nourishment and a healthy supply of vitamin C.

Take Your Vitamins and Minerals

Your doctors will also advice you to take special pre natal vitamins (taken during pregnancy). These may include folic acid supplements, calcium, vitamin A and Vitamin C. Folic acid is very important to ensure that your baby does not develop brain and spinal disorders, like neural tube defect and spina bifida. The doctor will usually prescribe 400mcg of folic acid to a mother in the early stages of pregnancy. Calcium is good for strengthening the bones, the teeth, and the muscular system.

A mother must eat healthy, though she finds that she feels nauseas most of the time. A proper first trimester diet can in fact help to reduce the feelings of nausea to some extent.

Pregnancy Stages - Development of Your Baby

Development of Your Baby- From Single Cell to Human Being

Isn’t it quite amazing, how a single cell develops into a tiny little human being in the mother’s womb? The development of your baby is nothing short of a miracle. It takes 9 months for this miracle to happen. And you become a proud mom.

The First Phase of Pregnancy

How does the baby develop in the first trimester of pregnancy? When the male sperm fertilizes the female ovum, you become pregnant. Soon the eyes, limb buds and other organs begin to form. Within 25 days of pregnancy, the little fetus’s heart begins to pump blood. By The sixth week of pregnancy, you will realize you are pregnant. The fetus is approximately ½ an inch long and weighs close to an ounce. By the end of the first trimester, the development of your baby like the brains, lungs, and liver and the embryo takes a more human form.

The Second Phase

In the second trimester, your baby makes rapid strides of development. The organs develop fast and the eyes and ears form clearly. The muscles get stronger and your baby’s hair, eyelids, and nails take shape. During this period, the genitals also begin to form.

The Third and Final Phase

It is the 7th month now and you are in your third trimester of pregnancy. Your baby’s development is very fast at this stage. The brain continues to develop and the baby grows in size. The baby opens and closes its eyes now and its skin is developed enough to react to touch. As the baby grows bigger, you will start to feel heavier. You must be careful, take as much rest as possible, and avoid standing for long periods or lifting heavy objects.

By the end of the 9th month, the development of your baby is complete. It has dropped to take its birth position into your lower abdomen. It will soon be ready for delivery. So there, you almost have your tiny little bundle of joy in your arms. Wish you a safe and healthy, happy delivery.